Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act
1997 and Related Legislation
The applications listed may be viewed online at Comments can be made
online or in writing to Fife Council, Planning Services,
Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT within
21 days unless otherwise stated.
24/01554/FULL; 239 Kirkland Walk, Methil, Leven,
Fife; Change of use in part and subdivision of existing
vacant hot food takeaway (sui generis) and retail unit
(Class 1A) to form single retail unit (Class 1A) including
external alterations and extension to building and
erection of detached rear storage building (Class 6)
24/03053/FULL; Albany Hotel, 56-58 North Street,
St Andrews, Fife; External alterations including
installation of replacement windows and doors
24/02986/FULL & 24/02987/LBC; Covenanter, High
Street, Falkland, Fife; Installation of external
alterations including replacement roofing 24/03118/
FULL & 24/03119/LBC; 8 Park Place, Elie, Leven,
Fife; Installation of replacement roof covering and
removal of chimney and formation of gated entrance
to boundary wall 22/03597/FULL; Land to the south
of Berry Street, Lochgelly, Fife; Erection of health and
wellbeing centre (Class 2) with associated
landscaping and car parking 24/02903/LBC;
Craigallan, 52 High Street, Earlsferry, Leven; Listed
building consent for installation of replacement
windows and doors to dwellinghouse 24/02974/
FULL; 66 Buchanan Gardens, St Andrews, Fife,
KY16 9LX; Installation of rooflights, door, flue, vents
and formation of pitched roof 24/02362/FULL; 3
Kinnessburn Gardens, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9HB;
Installation of replacement windows and doors of
dwellinghouse 24/03024/FULL; 3 West Lane, Crail,
Anstruther, Fife; Installation of replacement gates
24/02901/LBC; 2 Cunninghame House, Low
Causeway, Culross, Dunfermline; Listed building
consent for installation of replacement window
24/03084/FULL; Buckhaven Community Centre,
Kinnear Street, Buckhaven, Leven; Change of use
from flatted dwelling (Sui Generis) to form part of
existing community centre (Class 10) 24/03088/LBC;
St Adrians Church, Main Street, West Wemyss,
Kirkcaldy; Listed building consent for restoration
works to wall 24/03063/FULL; 7 Alexandra Place, City
Road, St Andrews, Fife; Subdivision of flatted dwelling
(Sui Generis) to 2 flatted dwellings (Sui Generis) and
external alterations including installation of new and
replacement windows, doors, rooflight and dormers,
installation of extraction vents, rainwater goods and
air source heat pump, re-roofing and external painting
24/01868/FULL; Farmhouse, Easter Grangemuir,
Grangemuir, Pittenweem; Erection of poultry shed
and associated feed silos, formation of access track,
hardstanding/car parking and associated drainage
infrastructure 24/02963/FULL; Flat 1, Links Court,
Links Road, Earlsferry; Installation of replacement
windows and door to flatted dwelling 24/02879/FULL;
5 Station Wynd, Lower Largo, Leven, Fife; Installation
of dormer extension to front and rear of dwellinghouse
24/03081/LBC; Crail Parish Church, Marketgate
North, Marketgate, Crail; Listed building consent for
restoration works 24/03064/FULL; Sunnyside,
Blairsgreen Farm, Saline Road, Kinneddar;
Conversion of former agricultural buildings to form a
dwellinghouse (Section 42 application to remove
condition 1 of 22/00044/FULL relating to retention
of walls)