Company Number: SC401921
In a Petition presented to the Court of Session (the“Court”) on 28 November 2024at the instance of S I R Joinery Ltd, a company incorporated under the CompaniesActs (Company No. SC401921) and with its registered office at Broxmouth Estate,Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland, EH42 1QW (the “Company”), for sanction of acompromise or arrangement (the “Restructuring Plan”) under Part 26A of theCompanies Act 2006 (the “2006 Act”) and between the Plan Company andfour classes of creditors (the “Plan Creditors”) (as defined in the ExplanatoryStatement in relation to the Restructuring Plan which is required by section 901D ofthe 2006 Act (the “Explanatory Statement”)), by virtue of an order made bythe Court dated 12 December 2024 (“Court Order”), the Court has orderedthat meetings (the “Plan Meetings”) be convened of the Plan Creditors for thepurposes of considering and, if thought fit, approving (with or without modification)the Restructuring Plan.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, as authorised by the Court Order, the PlanMeetings have been fixed to be held by way of video conference on 29 January 2025and will commence at 10.00 am (London time) and continue in sequential order(and at the times) listed below:
• 10.00 am Category 1 Plan Creditor Plan Meeting;
• 11.00 am Category 2 Plan Creditors’ Plan Meeting;
• 12.00 pm Category 3 Plan Creditors’ Plan Meeting;
• 1.00 pm Category 4 Plan Creditors’ Plan Meeting;
At the Plan Meetings, the following resolution will be proposed:
“THAT this Restructuring Plan Meeting approves, with or subject to anymodification, addition or condition approved or imposed by the Court,the Restructuring Plan under Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006between S I R Joinery Ltd and the Plan Creditors as set out in ExplanatoryStatement dated 23 December 2024 and published by S I R Joinery Ltd,a copy of which has been submitted to this Plan Meeting”.
A copy of the Restructuring Plan and of the Explanatory Statement, togetherwith a Notice of claim form and a Proxy Form for voting at the Plan Meetings, areavailable on the Plan Website at Plan Creditors can obtain access to the Plan Website by Further details of the Restructuring Plan andinstructions and guidance for Plan Creditors are set out in the Explanatory State-ment. Plan Creditors are encouraged to read the Explanatory Statement carefully.
Where otherwise undefined, terms used in this notice shall have the meaning givento them in the Explanatory Statement.
There will not be a physical meeting of any class of Plan Creditors. References in theExplanatory Statement to attending a Plan Meeting ‘in person’ should be read asjoining the relevant video conference on 29 January 2025.
By the Court Order, the Court has appointed Paul Dounis of RSM or, which
failing, any other partner of RSM, to act as chairman of the Plan Meetings (the“Chairperson”) and has directed that person to report the result of the PlanMeetings to the Court.
Plan Creditors may vote in person or appoint a proxy (who need not be a Plan
Creditor) to attend and vote in their place by completing and submitting a Proxy
Form, in accordance with the instructions which are in the Explanatory Statement.For a Proxy Form to be valid, it must be completed, signed, dated and returned tothe Chairperson in accordance with the instructions, which are in the Explanatory
Statement and printed on the Proxy Form itself, prior to theVoting InstructionTime,
being 5.00 pm London time on 22 January 2025.
It is requested that instructions to appoint a proxy are submitted by thePlan Creditors to the Chairperson, at assoon as possible and in any event so as to be received by Chairperson by no later than theVoting InstructionTime,being 5.00 pm London time on 22 January 2025.
For the purpose of voting,Proxy Formsmust be submitted such that theyare received by the Chairperson at
before the Voting Instruction Time, being 5.00 pm London time on
22 January 2025.
In order for a person to have the right to vote, as a Plan Creditor, at the Plan Meeting
of the class (or any adjournment of it), they must, at the Voting Instruction Time,which is defined as 5pm (London time) 5 Business Days before the date of the Plan
Meetings, be in that class of Plan Creditors and must be admitted to vote, in respectof their rights against the Company and the obligations which the Company owes
them (their “Plan Claim”) at the Voting Instruction Time, being 5.00 pm Londontime on 22 January 2025, by the Chairperson.
A Plan Creditor, which is a corporation, has the right to attend, speak and vote atthe Plan Meeting by one or more corporate representatives, who have been
appointed in writing, provided that no more than one corporate representative maybe appointed in respect of the same Plan Claim.
The Chairperson may require a corporate representative to produce his or herwritten authority to attend and vote at the Plan Meeting at any time before the start
of the Plan Meeting.
The Restructuring Plan will be subject to the subsequent approval of the Court.
For further information,please visit
DATED 31 December 2024
Addleshaw Goddard LLPExchangeTower, 19 Canning Street, Edinburgh, EH3 8EH